Filming in Oxford
Oxford contacts and expertise
If you need some filming in Oxford, we have access to all the great Oxford locations, and with a team of expert local cameramen we'll be there when you need us.
Filming and Editing
With our own central Oxford green screen studio and access to top quality production facility only 20 minutes away, we can have your event, conference, or film edited and delivered as quickly as possible.
DVD, Online and Mobile
We can author any video onto DVD, encode it with full DVD menus and chapters, and give you one copy or thousands. We can encode, host and stream your footage for distribution on the web or mobile phone.
Oxford Digital Media
We are an Oxfordshire based film and video company offering high quality digital media (filming, recording, editing, dvd authoring) services to all kinds of businesses. If you have a need to film, record, edit, encode, stream, distribute on DVD or host any kind of sound, video or film, we can help.
We can take care of your project from recording footage to delivering expertly authored shrink-wrapped DVDs.
Our customers include Oxford University Press, numerous Oxford colleges, the Said Business School, local businesses, broadcasters, TV production companies, and media agencies. If you have any kind of audio, visual, recording, filming, editing or other production requirement, give us a call or send us an email.
Contact us
Telephone: 01608 737531
Mobile: 07880 741627
Head Office:
Pemberley, The Bourne, Hook Norton, Oxfordshire OX15 5PB